Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Smile, empty soul...'cause it's time to say Goodbye...

Nu am sa incetez niciodata sa ma minunez cata iubire poate incapea intr-un singur suflet, cate ganduri se lovesc intre ele si cate sentimente contradictorii exista in fiinta umana. Tot ce pot spune este ca avem o singura viata, in care fiecare pas, fiecare decizie, se transforma in amintire si ramane cu noi pentru totdeauna.
Existe momente cand, independent de noi, trecutul se impleteste cu prezentul, momente care dor, dar a caror durere e dulce, atat de dulce incat te doboara. Momente care marcheaza inceputuri si sfarsituri, momente in care o parte din noi moare, pentru ca alta sa se nasca...
When it's time to let go, you let a dream die and you learn how to say Goodbye... You know that the right thing is the worst thing for your inner peace, but in the end, it's only the best damn decision that you can make for yourself and for the ones that really count in your life.
A invata sa mergi mai departe cred ca este o virtute pe care o inveti pentru a nu fi strivit de propriile regrete si pentru te regasi in linistea celuilalt. Cred ca cel mai frumos dar a trecutului este nostalgia, care nu poate fi ucisa nici de timp, nici de spatiu, nici de ratiune.
So, smile empty soul 'cause it ain't over 'till it's over. Open your heart, clear your head and embrace a new life, a new dream, a new soul.
The day our hands met is a day that will live forever only if we part now to taste hapiness on our separate ways...

Wash away the pain of the past with tears of joy and sadness...

Walking away takes more courage than faith

Leaving behind a world of emotions, experiences and feelings means a new phase in your life, a journey to a new you.
So this is it... that time has come... Goodbye. I'm letting this angel fly away 'cause he found his heaven.