Dragele mele, femei de cariera,
junkerite, hipsterite, artiste neintelese, intelectuale wannabies, femei
autentice, naive, expansive, fragile and so on,
In ultima vreme am decis sa
desenez “lecturi usoare”, sa ma departez putin de intelesuri ascunse si
revelatii personale sau general valabile. Am descoperit ca sunt multe subiecte
aici. Ca, “in multime” exista o doza de profunzime, care cel mult pisca, nu
doare, nu asurzeste, nu te bantuie.
Sa pasim asadar intr-o zona lejera, care
tine de orgolii, chimie si proiectii.
What makes you vibrate when it comes to the opposite sex?
Am schitat mai jos o lista de RED LIGHTS care exista in noi de cand lumea (active, inactive sau in curs de activare), insa de multe ori refuzam sa ne-o asumam, si cand o constientizam am vrea sa ne oprim, insa constatam ca nu este chiar atat de simplu. Reality kinda bites. Eh well, it’s better than lying to yourself.
- He’s a damn “hard” catch
- He’s popular
- He’s got brains
- He rides a motorcycle
- He has tattoos/pierces
- He acts like he can read your thoughts
- He’s very articulate
- He reads
- He has a genuine way of speaking
- He likes to hear himself talk (he loves to interrupt you)
- He’s full of himself
- He can be a status quo icon for you
- He likes to debate/argue
- He’s got his own style
- He can look you in the eye without blinking
- He has an electrifying effect on your body
- He knows how to be firm
- He’s into showing you what he knows
- He has the ability to observe details
Moving on:).
De curand am fost provocata sa ies din cusca de confort cand e vorba de sexul opus, si anume sa nu mai stau cosy in postura de a fi aleasa, si sa be the one that chooses. Isn’t that cute? Challenge accepted! Zis si facut.
Guess what happened? :) I went for someone
completely wrong for me, and for the completely “wrong” reasons. Experienta a
fost delicioasa overall, DAR… exista un dar, nu poti sa te joci de-a alta
persoana prea mult timp… ‘cause you end
up taking the fun out of it. Ajungi sa vezi omul din fata ta exact asa cum este si sa te vezi pe tine, de undeva de sus, cum privesti prin el si cum decodezi fiecare mister in doar 5 minute... pentru ca SURPRIZA acestea nu prea exista: what you see is what you get. No secret agendas, no thrilling personality, just a man that plays his cards by using every cliche in the book, and he's doing a great job at it. Cine castiga si pierde aici? You figure it out:).
The thing is that stepping out of
your cave once in a while is a decent reality
check method, you find out more about yourself and maybe you end up knowing when to stop at the red
light or, at least, how to avoid being absolutely hypnotized by it.
Mai mult, este o lectie importanta pentru orgoliul tau, efectiv realizezi care este pretul alegerii si ca provocarea de fapt este sa ti-o asumi.
Morala: come as you are and be the game, don't play the game.
Mai mult, este o lectie importanta pentru orgoliul tau, efectiv realizezi care este pretul alegerii si ca provocarea de fapt este sa ti-o asumi.
Morala: come as you are and be the game, don't play the game.